Sunday 12 July 2015

Notice what you notice.

They keep telling us to notice. And then to notice what we notice. And I guess to then do a lot of 'hmm'ing and 'ahhhh'ing. But I don't have time for all that deep reflection. So I have to do it on the go. Notice - I change a lot of nappies. Notice - I make a lot of silly faces and raise my voice to a high pitched squeal. Notice - I'm knackered by 4:45 pm. Notice - i want to pray and don't know when. Notice - I want to pray and don't know how. 


Notice that there is nothing mapped up for the spirituality of motherhood, of adulthood, of wife hood and friendship hood. 


I notice that I am simply created. And I simply would like to be with my Creator. 

I'm going to experiment with noticing and praying and my own vulnerable and silly creaturehood. I'll stand on the shoulders of Inigo, Ignatius whom I study and Jesus whom I love. And we'll see where we get.